New Ways to Pay as You Go with Remote Incident Manager

All the hours you need, when you need them

You’ve probably been down this road at least once; you’re part of what you thought would be a quick remote support session , you’ve got just a few more things to do, and then the clock runs out on your free session. What to do?

Get some hours, that’s what!

If you use RIM to receive or provide support to friends and family, we now have more flexible options! We have now expanded our pay as you go solutions. Starting today, two prepaid packages of hours are available to you whether you hold a personal subscription or not. You can purchase as many hours as you need, use an hour here and there, and keep the rest for when you need them.

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What are Prepaid Hours Good For?

Suppose someone is getting a new computer, and wants to transfer the contents over from the old system to the new. Depending on several factors, that process could take up to a week or so. Our traditional day passes may not be the best fit for something like this as they’re only good for 24 hours, with any unused time getting discarded when the 24 hours is up. On the other hand, when you buy one of our prepaid hourly packages, you are guaranteed that every hour, minute, and second of that time can be put to use at your own pace. In other words, it might take two  hours working through system backup, then once the computer arrives a few days later, RIM can be installed on the new computer, start a session, and start the clock on those hours until the job is done.

You could spend some time helping a friend learn a new software application or even show them one of yours without having to install it on there computer. Or maybe you need help with an inaccessible form, software program, or  with a pesky CAPTCHA. Simply use RIM to connect to a person and use our first-of-its-kind session flip feature, to share your screen and keyboard so they can help you to get back on track in seconds. If you’re ever about to run out of time, RIM will ask you if you want to top up before your time runs out, ensuring a remote session remains uninterrupted.

Prepaid Hourly Packages

  • 5 hours for $25
  • 15 hours for $50.

You can purchase as many hours as you need and can buy multiple packages in one order if desired. When you initiate a keyword session, RIM will start off by using your free 30-minute daily allotment. Once 30 minutes have elapsed, RIM will start using time from your accumulation. These hours will be available for any keyword-based sessions until they’re all used up, or 1 year from date of first use. Remember that while our traditional day passes and incident passes are still available, they will expire 24 hours past initial use. So simply pick the option that’s truly the right fit for the occasion and run with it or as we say RIM with it!

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