Happy Holidays from Pneuma Solutions: RIMFest is back! Free, Unlimited Access to RIM, now through January 2nd

Time for some More Free Rim!
Finding a computer under the tree is all fun and games, until disaster strikes mere hours following the family gathering with the technical wizard that can fix anything. We at Pneuma Solutions have just the solution for you!
Last year, we offered 12 days of unlimited use of our award winning Remote Incident Manager (RIM) free of charge. In keeping with tradition, we are proud to repeat this free-for-all! From now through January 2nd, any technical wizard can download RIM on their Windows or macOS computer, sign up for a controller account, and try all of RIM’s capabilities free of charge.
But Wait, there’s More!
Sometimes, even the best tech gurus need a lifeline. Last month, we introduced the AITools feature, offering you one-stop access to all of the world’s assistive technology helper bots. This 12 day RIM free-for-all additionally opens up the AITools feature, allowing you to explore this cutting edge new capability. Get those hard questions answered in seconds, get those tech problems solved in minutes. Everyone wins, and for the next twelve days, it doesn’t cost a dime!
What are you Waiting For?
Download RIM today and experience a top-notch remote desktop package, designed with accessibility in mind, yet can be used by everyone!