O Scribe for Meetings saiu da versão beta e está disponível em todo o mundo!

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After months of development and user testing, Scribe for Meetings is ready to leave the lab and change the World forever! Pneuma Solutions, the leader in Accessible Cloud Technologies, brings you the only solution for making remote meetings and webinars accessible to the millions of visually and print impaired users Worldwide!

Affordable and fully featured, Scribe for Meetings is the only technology that levels the playing field for remote meeting and webinar attendees with visual impairments! For the first time ever, real-time access to presentations is no longer an unattainable wish! with more platforms already under active development, we have launched the much-anticipated service for Zoom meetings and webinars. Like captioning, ASL, or language translation, Scribe is a must have if you intend on serving an audience with a print impairment.

Inclusion? You bet!! Higher ED, medical, government, clubs, and businesses big and small can instantly transform inaccessible meeting presentations into legally compliant accessible content for print impaired audiences. Individuals can subscribe and bring there own accessible solution to the party as well.

This is not some magic bullet gimmicky overlay you slap on your presentation and call it finished. This is a just in time technology, powered by the latest in machine learning, instantly making your never before accessible presentations available to 1 or 10,000 with nothing more than a few clicks. rendering results that are as easy to navigate as a web page.

Need to take that presentation with you? Optionally, presenters can choose to use our Augmented Document Remediation technology so that attendees can convert the presentation into eight different accessible formats in over 140 different languages including Braille, Large print, tagged PDF, or even MP3 audio. For a complete list of features click here.

Unlike many accessibility products, this first of its kind AI powered platform will not break the bank. We have provided pricing that will not require a meeting of the board to approve. Full inclusion of your print impaired customers, students, and even friends is just a click away. Check out Scribe for Meetings now and learn about our competitive pricing.

If you can upload a file and follow step by step instructions, that’s all the training you will need to use the service. It’s as intuitive for the presenter as it is for the attendee. Establish your individual or master account, instantly giving everyone in your organization  access to the service. Upload your slide deck, schedule your meeting, and let the technology do the heavy lifting. While we encourage all companies to create an atmosphere of inclusion for all, people with print disabilities should not, and now, will not, be prohibited equal access to information because of a deficiency in the presenter’s understanding of how to create accessible materials.

This is the tool that we as members of the print impaired community have never thought possible! Imagine a world where, you never again will have to hastily review a presentation, provided minutes before the meeting starts, hoping you can keep up. Or worse, never again will you have to interrupt to ask the presenter what slide they are on? Efficiency, productivity, and equal access  are the benefits Scribe For Meetings provides. The technology is solid, the price is right, and the results are undoubtedly life changing! So, why wait? Sign up today! The service is available World wide. Reseller inquiries are welcome. If you have questions, we’re always here to serve

Brought to you by Pneuma Solutions: making OUR World a more accessible one.

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