L'estensione Scribe per le riunioni è ora disponibile nel vostro browser preferito

We’re proud to announce the release of the Scribe for Meetings browser extension.
Now there are even fewer steps to take when you need to attend an online meeting and enjoy real-time access to digital content presented on screen during the meeting.
The process is ridiculously easy:
- Download the extension at the link below.
- Log into your registered meeting the same as you always have on your PC.
- Receive automatic notification the meeting has been registered, and enjoy the presentation!
Follow the links you need for Firefox or Chrome/Edge.
This extension marks another milestone in Pneuma Solutions’ goal of leveling the information access barrier for those with print disabilities. Students and working professionals alike will never again be left out of the conversation.
All the presenter needs to do is:
- Upload the presentation
- Share the link everywhere they share the meeting link
- Let in the Scribe For Meetings Bot at the start time of the meeting.
Are you new to Scribe for Meetings? Give it a try. As meeting facilitators, we think you’ll like the intuitive setup process. As end users, we know you’ll love the on demand access to everything your peers are seeing.
For Firefox, go to:
For Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, go to: