アクセシブル・テクノロジーのパイオニアであるプネウマ・ソリューションズ社とブラインド・インフォメーション・テクノロジー・スペシャリスト(BITS)は、画期的なパートナーシップを締結したことを発表しました。この提携は、様々なプラットフォームに最先端のリモート機能を統合することで、視覚障害者の自立を再定義し、個人と専門家の双方に利益をもたらすことを目的としています。 BITSのジェフ・ビショップ社長は興奮を語っている:「テクノロジーによってBITSファミリーに力を与えることは、私たちのコアバリューです。リモート・インシデント・マネージャー(RIM)を統合することで、メンバーのテクノロジーとの関わり方を強化し、彼らの個人的・職業的な願望をサポートします。 リモート・インシデント・マネージャー・クラウド版は、99ミリ秒以下の待ち時間でリモート・コンピューターをシームレスに制御します。プラットフォ … [Read more...] about プネウマ・ソリューションズとブラインド・インフォメーション・テクノロジー・スペシャリストが戦略的提携を発表。
Serotek News
リム・コンプリート・フリー・フォー・オール! そうです!ホリデーシーズンということで、リモートインシデントマネージャー(RIM)の全ユーザーの皆様に、12日間、お好きな時にお好きなだけご利用いただける機会をご用意しました!この期間中、リモートインシデントマネージャーのすべての機能と特徴にアクセスすることができ、世界で唯一の完全にアクセス可能なリモートサポートアプリケーションを最大限に活用する絶好の機会となります!今がチャンスです! あなたは、友人や家族がツリーの下で新しいコンピュータを見つけたら必ず電話するような、専属の技術的な第一人者ですか?WindowsまたはmacOSマシンにRIMをダウンロードし、「今すぐヘルプを提供する」ボタンをクリックすれば、すぐにサポートを提供できるようになります!ホリデーバケーションに出かけて、友人や家族に送る "wish you were there … [Read more...] about リムフェスト初日、私たちプネウマは…
包括的な会議でホリデーを祝おう このホリデーシーズンに、Pneuma Solutions は皆様への特別なプレゼントを発表できることを嬉しく思います!ホリデーシーズンの精神に基づき、当社は、特に視覚障害者の方々にとって、会議をより包括的で利用しやすいものにすることに専念しています。 Scribe for Meetings とは? Scribe for Meetings は、目の不自由な参加者がオンライン会議やウェビナーを利用しやすくするために設計された、革新的なクラウドベースのソリューションです。Zoom や Microsoft Teams … [Read more...] about アクセシビリティの12月の贈り物:会議のための書記を無料で!
ヒューメインAIピンは、マグネットで衣服に留めることができます。Humane AI Pinはマグネットで衣服に留めることができる。出典:Humane Inc:Humane Inc. 個人的な旅 プネウマ・ソリューションズのCEOであり、視覚障害者でもある私のテクノロジーの世界を巡る旅は、希望、挑戦、そして擁護のひとつです。Humane AI … [Read more...] about AIのギャップを埋める:インクルーシブ・イノベーションの呼びかけ
ここ数年、私たちは視覚障害者を支援するために設計されたテクノロジーの驚くべき進歩を目の当たりにしてきた。特に2つの企業が際立っている:ブラインドシェルはコミュニケーション支援技術のパイオニアであり、プネウマ・ソリューションズは現在、世界で最も包括的でナビゲーションが簡単な視覚障害者向けソーシャル・ネットワークおよびマルチメディア・レポジトリであるSeroの開発者である。 そして今、エキサイティングな展開として、アクセシブル携帯電話のBlindshell Classic 2コレクションはSeroプラットフォームを統合し、視覚障害者のために特別にさらに優れた、ユーザーフレンドリーな体験を作り出します。このコラボレーションがユーザーにとってどのような意味を持つのか、さっそく見ていきましょう。 Blindshell Classic 2とSero:強力な組み合わせ Blindshell … [Read more...] about ブラインドシェルクラシック2、Seroを統合:支援技術の飛躍的進歩
受賞歴のあるセロ・コミュニティのAndroidアプリがバージョン3.2.0にアップデートされました。このバージョンでは、現在のAndroid 14 Upside Down … [Read more...] about Android版Seroが一新!
Canadian organizations partner with Scribe for Meetings to enhance accessibility and inclusivity
CNIB Foundation, CNIB Deafblind Community Services (DBCS) and Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada (VLRC) have partnered with Scribe for Meetings to help make remote programs, meetings and presentations more accessible and inclusive. Scribe for Meetings, a solution designed by Pneuma Solutions, allows users to create and screen share accessible slideshow content. How does it work? The Scribe app … [Read more...] about Canadian organizations partner with Scribe for Meetings to enhance accessibility and inclusivity
System Access, Not the Last Choice
From time to time we like to share feedback directly from our customers. If we may, we would like to share a little of that feedback now. We don't like to boast. We prefer to quietly work hard for you, to bring you what you need, but yes, we admit notes like the one below helps us remember why the work is always worth it. The note follows: Hello Friends, Just thought I'd take a quick moment to … [Read more...] about System Access, Not the Last Choice
Alexa, Start Sero!
As we teased in our last entry, Sero was coming to another popular platform. Well, guess what? It's here! "Alexa is Amazon’s voice service and the brain behind millions of devices including Amazon Echo. Alexa provides capabilities, or skills, that enable customers to create a more personalized experience. There are now more than 10,000 skills from companies like Starbucks, Uber, and Capital One … [Read more...] about Alexa, Start Sero!
A Tax Break You Can’t Beat!
There are two certainties we tend to agree with, death and taxes. Actually, there is a third certainty we can add to the list, and that is competitive prices for your hard-earned money. That’s really no shocker though, right? Look around the access technology industry and identify just one company who charges less for comparable products. At the end of this tax season, we want to continue the … [Read more...] about A Tax Break You Can’t Beat!
A DocuScan Plus Endorsement
We regularly receive positive feedback from satisfied customers. Every now and then we pick out some of these unsolicited testimonials to share with you since their words will mean a lot more than our own biased opinions. In that spirit, here is one noteworthy message from one of our DocuScan Plus users, reprinted with permission: Greetings From Your New Biggest Fan; My name is Ryan Eversole and … [Read more...] about A DocuScan Plus Endorsement
Liked It? Disliked It? Review It!
Sero has always been about connecting you to your favorite content and your community. Now, we're bringing these two aspects of Sero together. When you listen to a piece of content, now you can tell the Sero community what you think, by giving us your rating and writing a review. Giving us your rating is as easy as pressing one button. Once you've done that, you'll have the option to write a … [Read more...] about Liked It? Disliked It? Review It!
Double Your Spending Power on Black Friday!
How many times have you come across those gift certificate opportunities where you have to spend a good chunk of money to earn just a little money? You know the ones we’re talking about. Spend twenty-five to get thirty or some such. Well, we know there’s a place for those opportunities, but in typical Serotek fashion, we want to break tradition. How about this: Spend whatever quantity you want on … [Read more...] about Double Your Spending Power on Black Friday!
Why You Should Upgrade from Windows 7: Sometimes the Little Things Make All the Difference
It happens from time to time to all of us who rely on a screen reader. You go to a website, and with no prompting on your part, the website starts playing some music, a video, or something else that drowns out your screen reader. How do you turn the sound down, or just make it stop, short of closing the web page altogether? You try to find your way to the stop button or the volume control, but the … [Read more...] about Why You Should Upgrade from Windows 7: Sometimes the Little Things Make All the Difference
DocuScan Plus Will not be Fooled!
You might remember Brad Dunse from his contributions over on the SeroTalk blog. He’s got a knack with the words, and when we received the following email from him, we thought it worth asking for permission to reprint it here. He agreed, and so here you are, proof positive that DSP really is everything it’s cracked up to be, from the words of one satisfied customer. Here’s Brad: Even a cell pic … [Read more...] about DocuScan Plus Will not be Fooled!
Blindfold Racer Championship 2016: A National Audio Gaming Tournament for The Blind and Visually Impaired
From time to time we like to bring you items of interest outside of the Serotek community. This is one such opportunity we thought you might find worth looking into: Project Starfish, a not for profit organization that provides persons with disabilities an opportunity to launch their careers, and Blindfold Games, a company founded by iOS developer Marty Schultz with a mission of providing a wide … [Read more...] about Blindfold Racer Championship 2016: A National Audio Gaming Tournament for The Blind and Visually Impaired
The Beta Program is Winding Down but the Savings are Ramping Up!
To show our appreciation for everyone’s participation in the Sero beta program, from now through Labor Day, we're offering a one-year subscription to our network service, plus a free month, for just $99. We haven't made this service available for such a low price in years, so don't miss out. Make sure you take advantage of this special offer before the end of Labor Day! Haven’t signed up yet? What … [Read more...] about The Beta Program is Winding Down but the Savings are Ramping Up!
From the Staff Files: Cinderella and her Grand Adventure
The following comes from our newest member in the Serotek family, Rhonda Partain. By all accounts she is exactly the primary company voice we needed on the other end of the main telephone line. We have heard great things, and here are her observations as both a staff member and user of our technology: By now I am sure most of the people who call Serotek know my voice. I’m Rhonda Partain the … [Read more...] about From the Staff Files: Cinderella and her Grand Adventure
Serotek’s Position on Microsoft Edge
Summer months are typically a great time for relaxing and unwinding. We here at Serotek recognize the value of rest and recreation, but as you know, the technology landscape is in a constant shift, requiring us to work overtime in the lab so that your favorite applications work the way they're supposed to when you're ready to come back from vacation. We have a number of short-term and long-term … [Read more...] about Serotek’s Position on Microsoft Edge
A Pulse Check on the Sero Beta
Since we launched the beta of Sero, our "mother of all updates" on Mother's Day, we've been busy making further improvements to the product based on your extremely helpful feedback. At Serotek we’ve always been all about community, and we are heartened to note the community has not failed us in collaborating to make this a product we can all be proud of. Here are a few highlights to date and some … [Read more...] about A Pulse Check on the Sero Beta